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Get Involved

Our Current Chapters

The communities we endeavor to assist face considerable challenges in their pursuit of economic and social advancement, primarily stemming from subpar living conditions characterized by food and water scarcity, inadequate educational opportunities, and limited access to healthcare services. Your valued support enables us to address and mitigate the hardships encountered by these communities through a spectrum of impactful humanitarian aid projects.

An Organization for the Youth, by the Youth

a Student Chapter


Are you ready to make a positive impact on children in developing countries? Establishing a student chapter of Save the Children of the Developing World is a rewarding journey. These steps will guide you in creating a dynamic chapter, addressing humanitarian needs, and improving the lives of those in need. Feel free to reach out to us with any comments, questions, or concerns you may have!

Thanks for submitting!

Research and Planning

To begin, gather a dedicated group of students who share a passion for humanitarian work, outline the mission and objectives of your student chapter, and contact us to seek guidance and resources. Conduct a thorough needs assessment to understand the specific challenges children in developing countries face, ensuring your initiatives align with our goals.


Organize and Mobilize

Mobilize your efforts by recruiting members who are equally passionate about the cause. Develop a constitution and bylaws to establish a structured framework for your chapter's operation. Regular meetings will help in planning and decision-making. Create a budget and fundraising strategy to finance your initiatives and support your projects effectively.


Community Engagement and Projects

Engage with your local community to raise awareness about child development issues in the developing world and build support. Organize fundraising initiatives, collaborate with local organizations that share our goals, and host educational programs to inform both your members and the community about these critical issues. By actively involving your community, you can increase your impact.


Official Recognition and Sustainability

Achieve official recognition by registering your student chapter as a campus organization if required by your school. Maintain transparency in your financial activities and evaluate the impact of your initiatives regularly, gathering feedback for improvement. Plan for the long-term sustainability of your chapter, including leadership transitions and strategies for maintaining engagement over time. With these measures in place, your student chapter can make a lasting contribution to the well-being of children in developing countries.

Upcoming Events

  • Rutgers student-led organization delivers aid to children in developing countries
    Rutgers student-led organization delivers aid to children in developing countries
    Mon, Apr 19
    The Daily Targum
    Apr 19, 2021, 12:00 AM
    The Daily Targum
    Apr 19, 2021, 12:00 AM
    The Daily Targum
    Rutgers students have joined together with other college students to help children from communities struggling economically in Egypt and Ecuador through the organization Save the Children of the Developing World (SCDW).

Shop to Support Us

Discover effortless ways to contribute while shopping with our partnered platforms; each purchase on these select platforms helps fund our initiatives, bringing us closer to our goals.

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eBay for Charity

When buying or selling, look for items marked with the charity ribbon. Choose our cause at checkout or select to donate a portion of your sale to support our mission.

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Humble Bundle

Explore Humble Bundle for curated bundles of digital content. Select our charity during checkout, and a portion of your purchase will go toward supporting us.



Sign up on Goodshop and choose our cause. Start your online shopping from their site or browser extension to donate a percentage of your purchase to support our initiatives.

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